Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The integrity of farm to fork

Farm to fork is an ancient American practice. It was lost with the industrial revolution of America. Right now there is a trend in the revival of this practice. It is an up and coming important topic. I’m not sure if it is the growth in technology that has caused this. I have my own story to tell about my obsession with Farm to Fork. For me this revelation started when my husband and I both lost our jobs, with a child on the way. I found myself unemployed and needing to reinvent my self worth.  I needed to learn how to cook. With a new child coming, it was important to me to cook healthy food. I yearned to have a garden of my own and learn to cook from it. It was during this time that we downsized from a 3 bedroom home to a 2 bedroom condo. It was hard for me to be locked up in a smaller space with no yard. I decided to throw myself into cooking. I wanted to learn to make all the most difficult recipes I could find. I needed to be artistically challenged to cope with our loss of income and home.  This situation made me more and more interested in dirt to plate topics. Cooking from scratch and using the freshest ingredients I could find became of extreme importance.  I explored our city farmers market and started cooking seasonally. It was very exciting and educational. I learned the value of Farm to Fork and want to share it with everyone possible. It is important for me to have a community blog to build the integrity of my community on this subject.


  1. Great job with your blog!

    1. Thank you Shannon. This subject is endlessly fascinating to me. :-)

  2. Hi Ursula, very interesting blog. I like learning how to cook with various ingredients and fresh from the farm is even better. I will follow for other interesting stories and tips.

